Thursday, April 29, 2010

Increase height naturally: Simple tips to make you look taller instantly

Hair style
Have the hair style that makes you appear taller. In order to appear taller, a hair style should be thin at the sides and higher up top, which can make you appear as much as an inch taller.
Do not have any wide hair style.
Also, a bald head can makes a person appear shorter.

1. Avoid clothes with horizontal lines. Belts are horizontal so make sure you conceal it in your clothes.
2. Avoid clothes with a tartan or checked pattern.
3. Avoid cuffs that makes your legs appear shorter.
4. Wear clothes with vertical lines or striping. Vertical lines or stripping make a person appear thinner, and thinness in turn gives impression of more height.
5. Avoid wearing sharply contrasting clothes and pants together,these will easily expose the real length of your legs and make you look shorter.
6. Wear clothes with shoulder pads. Shoulder pads make your shoulders appear broader and your whole body slender.
7. Wear shoes that will make you appear taller. If you are a female, this should be easy since you can find a lot of female shoes with 2 or 3 inches' heels. For males, wear shoes with thick soles to add the illusion of height.
8. Avoid clothes that are made from heavy and bulky fabric. They add width and hence shorten the image visually.
9. Wear cuff less pants to make the legs look longer.
10.Wear a coat or jacket that is of the perfect length. They should end where the buttocks meet the legs.


1. Match your pants' color with your shoes color to make the legs look longer.
2. Lengthen your upper torso by wearing a belt that matches your top.
3. Dark colors such as black, navy blue, and charcoal grey projects power and competency. Lighter colors make you appear more approachable. If you want a commanding and confident image, try wearing dark colors.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Increase height naturally: information on growth hormone secretion

Growth Hormone secretion
So what is the single most important factor to increase height naturally during youth? Yes, you are right: Human growth hormone.
Hormones are chemicals produced by special cells in glands and other organs of the body.
Most hormones are produced by cells in the endocrine glands. These hormones are produced in very small amounts and are released into the bloodstream and travel to the organ or tissue where their effect takes place. Several hormones are involved in regulating growth. Some act directly on organs, while others act by triggering the production of other hormones, which activates specific organ functions that is necessary for growth.
Growth hormone is a protein produced particularly by the pituitary gland. Proteins are made of building blocks known as amino acids. Located in the centre of our brain, the pituitary gland is often called the master gland because it controls the release of many of the body's hormones.
Overview of some of the most important hormones There are two unnatural ways to increase growth hormone level – growth hormone-releasing products and
injections. Growth hormone-releasing products such as glycine, glutamine, agrinine, ornithine, niacin, and 16 other amino acids can be obtained without prescription. These substances are usually used by bodybuilders. Some of them are good for boosting immunity, protecting the liver, fighting cancer, rebuilding body tissue after surgery or trauma, amongst many other applications.
Some types of amino acids help produce growth hormone and with proper exercises may increase your growth. Performing this self-treatment without medical supervision, especially for children, is not recommended. These drugs have to be taken in proper dosage and some of them need to be combined with other drugs or nutrients. Improper usage may cause you grievous health problems. There are many side effects such as diarrhea, low toxicity, headache, drowsiness, muscle spasms, dizziness high blood pressure, nervousness, depression, hair loss, gaining weight, and many more.
Man made growth hormone is administered by a series of injections that could cost anywhere from USD12,000 to USD18,000 a year. It is usually prescribed after careful evaluation of an individual's growth pattern and growth potential. These injections may help you grow, but inducing growth too quickly may inhibit growth at a later stage.
Growth hormone may produce various other side effects such as high cholesterol, diabetes, liver abnormalities, increased tissue stiffness, carpal tunnel syndrome, musculature disease, neuropathy, allergic reactions, pancreatis, hyperglycemia, visual deterioration, headaches, vomiting, increased liver enzyme levels, increased sweating, edema, pain in general and back pain specifically. If you receive these injections, your body will adapt to this drug, and will refuse to produce natural growth hormone after you stop receiving injections. If you think these procedures are not for you, read further.
Exercise, stress and emotional excitement induce growth hormone release. On the other hand, obesity and fatty acids inhibits the release of growth hormone. It is growth hormone that grows the cells, bones, muscles, and organs of our bodies.
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Increase height naturally: facts about human growth periods

Human Growth Periods to increase height naturally
There is a lot of misinformation regarding the ages in which the growth takes place, how tall you will likely be, and what the exact roles of heredity and environment have on your growth. Throughout your life you will constantly generate human growth hormone. Maintaining your bodies chemical balance and cell rejuvenation are two main reasons your body generates Human Growth Hormones (HGH). Whether you are looking forward to increasing your linear height, developing bone density, or regenerating your bone cells, human growth hormone can be manufactured in great amounts and is distributed most often during certain periods of your life.
There are a number of factors that, if manipulated correctly, will substantially increase growth hormone levels in your body. It is quite common for boys and girls to grow suddenly as they enter puberty. This is called the growth spurt. Growth takes place from time of fertilization to about age thirty and it is seldom smooth, regular, and predictable. Most girls will have their growth spurt between ages 10 and 14, during the early stages of puberty. During this growth spurt that lasts for a year or two, growth is rapid. They can grow as much as 3½ inches per year during this duration. Hence, it is common for 12 and 13 year old girls to be taller and heavier than boys.
Most boys start puberty and begin their growth spurt between ages 13 and 15. Their growth spurt also lasts for a year or two and during this period they may gain as much as 4½ inches per year. By age 15, it is common for boys to become taller and heavier than girls. After the growth spurt, growth continues but slows down to a steadier rate.
It is important to note that growth spurt can occur within a wide age range. Each individual may experience growth spurt earlier or later than the average age. Although it is widely accepted that an individual’s maximum height is achieved by the late teens, it is however incorrect. Most girls reach their full height by 17 while most boys by 19, although lots of individuals continue to grow into the twenties. The vertebrae in the
spinal column continue to grow in length and width until about age thirty. The growth you experience and the height that you ultimately acquire is the result or heredity and the environment. Therefore it will be incorrect to assume that the maximum height you obtain is solely the result of heredity.
Environmental factors that affect your height include disease, stress, nutrition, exercise and sleep. They are just as important as heredity in determining growth. You may have little or no control over your genes, but you may manipulate the environment you are in. By understanding these factors, you can use them to your full advantage.

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Increase height naturally: Interesting Height Statistics about different countries

Ok, so let us discuss about the height of people from different countries. Will you like to know about a lots of interesting facts? I am sure you will,, so lets get started.
Did you know that the country with the tallest people overall is the Netherlands?
Males average 6 feet (183 cm) and females average just over 5 feet, 7 inches (170 cm).
The average American male height is 5 feet, 9 inches (175 cm) while the average female height is 5 feet, 4 inches (163 cm).
The Dutch may have the tallest country, but the tallest people in the world reside in an Eastern European republic called Montenegro which is part of the country of Serbia and Montenegro (the former Yugoslavia). If Montenegro were it's own country, it would have the tallest people in the world. And the Dutch wouldn't even be close.
The average male height in Montenegro is 6 feet, 3 inches (191 cm). The average female height is just under 5 feet, 11 inches (180 cm). The average female there is taller than the average American male!
Other Facts:
There are over 5.5 million American males that are 6 feet, 2 inches (188 cm) or taller. 1 in 7 American males is 6 feet (183 cm) or taller, about 15% of the population. 1 in 2 Dutch males is 6 feet or taller, 50% of the population. There are over 1.5 million American females 5 feet, 9 inches (175 cm) or taller. The average Japanese male is 5 feet, 5 1/8 inches (165 cm) tall. Each generation seems to be getting taller. The main factor in that is nutrition, which we'll discuss in a
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Increase height naturally tips:Do girls need to worry about sort height?

"Some girls are bigger than others," Morrissey sang. "Some girls' mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers."
Popular singer Smith's fans believe that Morrissey was referring to breast size, but the lyric also implies that overall size is strongly influenced by genes. But why are some girls taller than others? One reason might be puberty. At sexual maturity in females, there is a wave of sex hormones that closes the epiphyses (the ends of the long bones in our bodies), so that girls who mature late will generally be taller because they have had more time to grow. Short women generally reach puberty earlier than tall women -- whose bodies spend more energy on growing than on entering puberty.
Regardless of the timing of puberty, most men are taller than women. Why is this, in an age where most of us are well-fed and have access to good medical care?
"Sexual dimorphism" is how biologists refer to size differences between the sexes. In mammals, the largest sexual size difference is found in elephant seals, where bulls are up to 10 times bigger than the cows. The most successful male elephant seals are the biggest ones, best able to fight and maintain a harem of females -- and inseminate them all.
Are humans subject to the same laws? If sex in the city is the same as sex in the jungle, tall men should be more successful at getting mates and having children than short men.
That is what Daniel Nettle, of the departments of biological sciences and psychology at England's Open University, set out to test.
He used data from Britain's National Child Development Study, an ongoing, longitudinal investigation of social economic and health outcomes for all the children born in the United Kingdom during a single week in March 1958. The data, which covers nearly 10,000 men and women, showed that the taller the men were, the less likely they were to be unmarried or childless in 2000, at age 42.
But Nettle also looked at the data for women and found that while taller-than-average men were more successful at attracting a mate and having children, the same was true for shorter-than-average women.
This selective force is the reason why height differences persist in humans in the modern age.
Writing in the Proceedings of the Royal Society (B), Nettle shows that there is a positive relationship between male stature and reproductive success. Men of average height (for that group of British children born in 1958, the average is 177 cm) were less likely to have children than a taller man of 186 cm. Taking into account other complicating factors such as health, socioeconomic status and education level, the difference, says Nettle, appeared to be due to taller men's greater ability to attract a mate.
Women were more likely to have children if they were between 151 cm and 158 cm, well below the average of 162 cm. (The average woman was 15 cm shorter than the average man.)
"It seems that tall men and petite women are favored in evolutionary terms, even in a modern population, so the height difference between men and women is unlikely to disappear," said Nettle.
The results corroborate earlier research showing that taller men are rated as more attractive than those of average height, but it's the first study to examine the relationship between size and reproductive success in women.
"In the past, hunting ability and status in social groups might well have been correlated with height," said Nettle in an e-mail interview. "Also, being tall is an honest signal that you have been successful in staying healthy and nourishing yourself. Someone who has managed to grow to above-average height must have good genes or be good at operating in the environment."
That explains why tall men are attractive, but what about short women? Why are they more attractive than tall women? Very short and very tall women had low reproductive success, mainly, Nettle found, because their height is more likely to be caused by conditions such as gigantism and warfism. Men apparently prefer women of below-average height because they are (subconsciously) perceived as more fertile. The reason is that in our antelope-hunting, savanna-living past, a short woman was more likely to have reached sexual maturity.
"Men still find themselves attracted to women who show the hallmarks of fertility, even if, in the modern day and age, they might not have children with them for many years and perhaps not at all," said Nettle.
"The psychological mechanisms of attractiveness are vestiges of life under past conditions."

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